LastRound PRO
Our LastRound Pro are dark rounds, for your most colorful looks. Nail polish and highly pigmented makeup can add a vibrant pop of color to your life, but they can also add a less wanted palette to reusable rounds. With LastRound Pro, you get a completely stain-free experience, without spots or discoloration.
The round is black as the night and will never be tainted, no matter how colorful and creative you get. It is soft, lint-free and sustainable. Simply put, it?s pro. After use, wash it with soap and water and reuse each round 250 times.
Contains: Seven reusable rounds in a colorful case
Materials: The case is made of Ocean Bound Plastic, preventing waste from entering our oceans. The rounds are made from 30 % cotton and 70 % wood fibers and are recyclable with your household waste. You can also stick it into the soil of a flowerpot, and it will naturally compost.
Contains: Seven reusable rounds in a colorful case
Materials: The case is made of Ocean Bound Plastic, preventing waste from entering our oceans. The rounds are made from 30 % cotton and 70 % wood fibers and are recyclable with your household waste. You can also stick it into the soil of a flowerpot, and it will naturally compost